It is a requirement of all employers to conduct a First Aid Needs Assessment, to determine what First Aid provision a business needs to ensure compliance with legislation and to keep everyone safe.

The report we provide identifies the type of First Aid training needed for the business, the number of First Aiders required, the facilities necessary for the workplace, and the procedures required to comply with current legislation. During our visit, we can also check current First Aid provision and organise facility management if requested.


We also offer the opportunity for you to off load a key responsibility in any business. First Aid.

We give you your time back by managing your First Aid for you (including Staff training, Facilities, and Equipment)

We become your responsible person for your premises.

This service starts from only £75 per month - this includes 3 onsite visits per year, and would include Health & Safety and Fire Safety as well.

If you would like to reduce your workload and get rid of the First Aid management, then just book a visit.

Save over £25,000 every year!!